Protect / Defend – Windows – Services


Managing services via CLI


1.     List services and append to txt file:

sc query >> services.txt

2.     Set service to disabled on system startup:

sc config “dhcp” start= disabled

A black screen with white text

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Note valid options for the “start= “ parameter are:

a.     boot - The service will start during the operating system boot process. Only very essential services are typically set to this.

b.     system - The service will start during OS initialization, but after the "boot" services.

c.      auto - The service will automatically start when the system starts up. Most crucial services that need to run without user intervention are set to this.

d.    demand or manual - The service won't start automatically during system startup, but it can be started manually by a user or application.

e.     disabled - The service cannot be started either automatically or manually. You'd use this option if you want to ensure the service doesn't run at all.

3.     Stop a running service:

sc stop “spooler”

A computer screen with white text

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4.     Disable service using wmic:

wmic server where name=”spooler” call ChangeStartmode Disabled

NOTE: ^ This did not work in my environment.


Managing Services with PowerShell


1.     List all Services and append to text file:

Get-Service >>

A computer screen shot of a service

Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer

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2.     Get Information about a specific Service:

Get-Service -Name Spooler

A computer screen shot of a blue screen

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3.     Stop a Service

Stop-Service -Name Spooler

A computer screen shot of a service

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4.     Start a Service

Start-Service -Name Spooler

A computer screen with a blue background

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5.     Restart a Service

Restart-Service -Name Spooler

A screenshot of a computer program

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6.     Disable a Service

Set-Service -Name Spooler -StartupType Disabled

A screenshot of a computer

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