Windows – Password Checks


Periodic password checks are an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy. It helps organizations maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their systems and data, while also promoting a culture of security awareness among users.


1.     Test a single user’s password against a list of bad or weak passwords:

for /f %i in (<password_file.txt>) do net use \\<IPADDRESS> /u:<username> %i 2>nul && pause

^ If there is a password in use on the list it will say the command completed successfully.

2.     Test multiple users against a list of bad or weak passwords and append username and password match to .txt file:

for /f %i in (<username_file.txt>) do (for /f %j in (<password_file.txt>) do (net use \\<IPADDRESS> /u:%i %j 2>nul && echo %i:%j >> success.txt &&  net use \\<IPADDRESS> /del))

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